The prince
The Ottawa Citizen profiles Pierre Poilievre.
Baird’s influence on Poilievre is obvious, Martin says. Not only did they represent the same constituents, more or less, for 18 months — Baird as MPP and Poilievre as MP — Poilievre later served as parliamentary secretary to Baird when he was Treasury Board president. “He’s been groomed and mentored in the dark arts by the master: Mr. Baird. … I think he’s benefited from working so closely with such a competent senior minister,” Martin says. “The main concern now would be not letting himself get arrogant. He’s always been cocky but I think he’s also avoided arrogance. I hope he maintains that.”
Baird agrees that Poilievre has “grown as a Parliamentarian,” but chalks it up to the experience that come with working long hours. “He works like a dog. He will literally email me about issues that we should be pushing at 11:30 at night or on a weekend. I have huge respect for his work ethic,” Baird says.
In addition to being the “Minister of Nepean-Carleton,” Mr. Poilievre is also now apparently the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs—or at least is Mr. Poilievre who is being sent up to answer questions about Peter Penashue’s election campaign.
Mr. Poilievre is an interesting study in politics, specifically how to succeed in politics: both in his understanding of the practical aspects of politics and how he presents himself as a partisan in the House. Here is what I wrote about him three years ago after watching him talk to young Conservatives.