
This is the week that was

By Aaron Wherry

Happy Canada Day from Stephen Harper and Prince William.

Charlie Angus won at filibustering. John Baird left his mark in Libya. Industry Canada made cuts. Stephane Dion dissected the Senate Reform Act. Michael Ignatieff reemerged. A filibuster deal was denied. The Samara shortlist was announced. Canada’s 150th birthday was considered. The Conservative party protested (too much?). And the newest Canadians pledged their allegiance to the Queen.

We kept reading the Afghan detainee documents. Kathleen Petty signed off. Matthew P. Harrington argued against Senate reform. Tom Hawthorn eulogized Frank Howard. Brian Topp championed the filibuster. Nick Taylor-Vaisey championed the filibustering House of Commons. Alex Himelfarb considered crime policy. JJ McCullough blamed the founding fathers. Kyle Crawford considered politics and professionalism. And Tabatha Southey questioned Internet surveillance.