‘To non-partisanship we move then’

Glen Pearson has some ideas (which he will reveal to you in due course).

Glen Pearson has some ideas (which he will reveal to you in due course).

“Over the next few entries I want to take a stab at putting out some new ideas for a more non-partisan House of Commons and what exactly that might look like. Having already spoken with a number of MPs from various parties on this subject, I can discern my ruminations won’t be taken seriously. But unless all of us make some type of effort in this direction we will only witness the continued erosion of voter turnout and the increasing irrelevance of national government. Many seasoned MPs informed me in the last few days that I’m living a pipe-dream if I honestly think these ideas can work. But that’s just the thing: I do believe it and I want to explore the possibilities. The alternative is not one I would like to consider.”