Unanimous agreement, at least in principle
As noted earlier today, Thomas Mulcair is keen on the principle of “polluter pay.” In principle, he is not alone.
Stephen Harper, February 7, 2007. Mr. Speaker, this government is clear: our system will be based on the principle that the polluter will pay.
Stephen Harper, February 8, 2007. We will continue to pursue the principle of polluter-pay.
Stephen Harper, February 21, 2007. We think the basis of regulation of greenhouse gases and air pollution should be the polluter pay principle, and this will be the basis of the plans we bring forward.
Stephen Harper, June 11, 2007. We are also committed to respecting the polluter pay principle. This principle is part of our plan.
John Baird, June 19, 2007. We believe in the fundamental principle that the polluter pays…
John Baird, March 11, 2008. Mr. Speaker, polluter pays is one of the principles of our plan.
John Baird, May 5, 2010. Mr. Speaker, this government has two important tenets with respect to its environmental policies: first, we support strong and effective environmental legislation that protects the great country that we know as Canada; and second, this government strongly supports a polluter pays principle. Those have been the hallmarks of our policies.