Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.


An email from Team Justin.

Friend —

Justin has only been in this race for 50 days, and the Conservative Party’s attack machine is already operational.

This isn’t a surprise. That’s been the other side’s strategy from the beginning: negative, negative, negative.

Can you chip in $10 or more right now to help us fight back?

This week we saw them cynically spin out-of-context comments. Check out this story in the Winnipeg Free Press.

Before long, they will jam the airways with negative ads trashing Justin.

They’ve done it before. They’re trying to do it again. I’ll be blunt: we need your help.

Justin is running a positive campaign focused on the issues that matter to middle-class Canadians. While the Conservative Party re-hashes old attacks from the past, we are focused on expanding economic security and guaranteeing opportunity for all.

Let’s stand with Justin – will you chip in to help?


Justin Campaign Team