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President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump holds a figurine given to him by a group of county sheriffs in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2017. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images) The Washington Post/Getty Images
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The inadvertent poetry of Donald Trump, Vol. 2

You might not expect to find poetry in a president’s speech to a room of police chiefs. But it’s impossible not to see it in Trump’s remarks.
By Scott Feschuk
President Donald Trump holds a figurine given to him by a group of county sheriffs in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2017. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump holds a figurine given to him by a group of county sheriffs in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2017. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images)

Apart from the titles, these are the words of Donald Trump—taken directly from his Feb. 8 speech to the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association. You can read the last volumes of Trump poetry here.

Can I Be a Lawyer?

You can be a lawyer

or you don’t have to be

a lawyer


Donald Trump Reads a Statute and Attempts to Explain the Statute by Using Pretty Much the Exact Same Words That Are in the Statute

“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens”

— okay, the entry of any aliens


“or of any class of aliens”

— so any aliens, any class of aliens


“into the United States”

— so the entry of people into the United States, let’s say, just to be precise, of aliens into the United States


“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any alien or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States… he may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary…”

— so here it is, people coming in —


“suspend the entry of all aliens”

— okay, so you can suspend the aliens



A bad high school student

would understand this



would understand this



General Kelly

General Kelly is an extremely talented man

and a very good man

We are doing our job


He’s a great man

We are doing our job



Things We Knew and Do and Did

We totally knew about it

We knew about everything

We do things well

We did things right



Four Increasingly Dubious Statements

I was a good student

I understand things

I comprehend very well, okay?

Better than I think almost anybody



Use It, Unless You Can’t Use It, in Which Case Use It

I said to my people:

Why don’t you use the Boston case?


And there were reasons

why they couldn’t use the Boston case


But use the Boston case



A Long, Confusing Sentence About Polls, and Then a Shorter Sentence About the Long, Confusing Sentence About Polls

I can read the polls

maybe better than anybody

because it seems that I understood the polls

a lot better than

many of the pollsters understood the polls

assuming they were honest polls

which I think probably many of them weren’t.


I really believe that.



No Kidding

I will say this:

We will give him a wall

And it will be a real wall

The wall is getting designed right now


A lot of people say:

Oh oh

Trump was only kidding with the wall

I wasn’t kidding

I don’t kid

I don’t kid


I watch this

and they say I was kidding

I don’t kid


I don’t kid

about things like that

I can tell you


No we will have a wall

It will be a great wall


A Question You Could Ask Israel If Ever You’re in a Conversation with It

Just ask Israel about walls

Do walls work?

Just ask Israel



A Surprisingly Solemn and Coherent Tribute That Ends with a Curious Choice of Complimentary Phrase

Last year in Dallas police officers were targeted for execution

Think of this

Who ever heard of this?


They were targeted for execution


These heroic officers died as they lived

protecting the innocent

rushing into danger

risking their lives for people they did not even know


Hats off to you people



The Bad Ones

You know them

You’re there

You’re local


You know the illegals

You know them by their first name

You know them by their nicknames


You have that power


You’re in the neighborhoods

You know the bad ones

You know the good ones


I want you to turn in the bad ones