My abortions were not something I spoke about with my family. They were not something I talked about with friends. I have not told my stories—until now.
Politics Insider for May 10: Shaw stocks plummet; how Canada secretly got Justin Trudeau to Ukraine; feminists call for review of RCMP’s ’toxic culture’
Justin Ling: The Tory platform says the party will protect conscience rights in health care, but won’t say whether that might restrict access to abortion or deny care to trans people
Michael Coren: America was founded on religious neutrality of its governance. For religious conservatives—even judges—it’s an increasingly difficult position.
There could be an increase in unintended pregnancies just as abortion becomes less available, putting women who are self-isolating in abusive situations at higher risk
The couple running the Fredericton clinic absorbed the cost of abortions for those who couldn’t afford them, hoping the province would someday change its policy. Over time it took a toll on their finances.