Carleton University Students Association

Students sick of being passed by buses

Wait for better transit to campus keeps getting longer

Students debate funding of controversial rappers

Rick Ross gets cancelled but Tyga performs

The Lance stops printing, Rick Ross & law school

What students are talking about today (April 8th)

Carleton should keep the Canadian Federation of Students

It’s imperfect, but successfully fights oppression and tuition


Phalluses on ballots at Carleton, a racist party & Capoeira

What students are talking about today (February 7th)

Law school applicants, two-tier athletics & Arun Smith

What students are talking about today (February 4th)

Waldorf closes, the Mad Minute & Carleton discrimination

What students are talking about today (January 11th)


CUSA to consider Israeli boycott

Motion would call on Carleton to develop ‘Socially Responsible Investment’ policy

Playing favourites with ideology

Carleton student union upholds decision to ban anti-abortion group


Money, not free speech, at issue in Carleton pro-life dispute

Carleton students shouldn’t be forced to pay for a group they don’t support

Carleton should back off its students’ unions

Withholding funds while negotiations are ongoing is a sign of bad faith


Student who caused Shinerama-gate back in office

Northrup claimed cystic fibrosis only affects “white people, and primarily men”