Quebec’s proposed secularism law is repugnant. Here are six reasons why.Michael Coren: Faith should never guarantee a place in the public square, but nor should it disqualify someone, anyone, from participation
Quebec’s very, very quiet revolutionPaul Wells: A victory by the upstart CAQ could mark a historic shift in Quebec. Just don’t expect any radical changes.
’Change’ or just more of the same? It’s campaign slogan déjà vu.QUIZ: The Ontario NDP is offering ’change for the better’. They’re not the first. Match these campaign taglines to the leader and election.
A short history of scapegoating Muslims in QuebecThe Coalition Avenir Québec’s new ad features a warning and Muslim woman in a chador. It’s a familiar gambit in Quebec politics.
Editorial: Federal leaders must act—the fight for Canada is onIf the party leaders do not succeed in making unselfish co-operation a positively sacred principle, the future of Confederation is not safe
PQ has lost monopoly over sovereignty Québec Solidaire and Option Nationale won an amount of votes equal to 25 per cent of the PQ vote
The future of Quebec and Canada: all bets are offPaul Wells and Martin Patriquin take us inside a dramatic campaign with a terrifying finish
Quebec political leader ridiculed for stereotyping Students should work harder, like Asians: Francois Legault