
Cocktail Party Politics: What you need to know about coalitions

Small talk about big issues: A video series to help make sense of the campaign

Election Issues 2015: A Maclean’s primer on coalitions

Maclean’s is your destination for the 2015 election. Start with our in-depth primers on the big issues, including coalitions

Ontario: coalition dreaming

Paul Wells on Andrea Horwath, the Ontario Liberals and a stack of hypotheticals

Ignatieff talks minority scenarios

It shouldn’t matter, but it probably will


Who gets to govern? Venturing deep into the post-May 2 scenario weeds

The question, it seems to me, is a simple one: can the party that didn’t win the most seats in a Canadian election legitimately form a government? Well, I guess it would be better to say deceptively simple.

The clash over coalitions on the campaign’s first day

There’s nothing like starting a campaign by calling your opponent an outright liar

Adventures in polling

Here’s a zany suggestion: if you want to know what people think about coalitions, ask them

“Somebody will have a majority”

Paul Wells on Stephen Harper’s habit of telling us exactly what he’s going to do


The Madness: Democrats vs Parliamentarians

As we lead up to the return of the House, battle lines are being drawn over the legitimacy of the forgotten-but-not-dead coalition. Two clear positions have emerged: On the one side, there is a group we can call the Democrats. The Democrats believe that while the coalition may be constitutionally  ok in a narrow, legal sense, it violates basic principles of democratic legitimacy. Two prominent Democrats are Michael Bliss and Norman Spector.


Megapundit: Stephen Harper and his “Marie Antoinette insouciance”

Must-reads: Greg Weston, John Ivison and Chantal Hébert recap election night.


Megapundit: “Obtuseness and stupidity”