Vaxx Populi: What happens to Canadians 55-and-under who’ve had a first dose, what to do if you’re offered the vaccine, what we know about a condition called VIPIT, and more
Vaxx Populi: The criteria are different—and rapidly changing—in jurisdictions across the country. Here’s our guide to finding exactly out who’s eligible (and when) in each province.
Vaxx Populi: Experts say between variants and many people still being unvaccinated, we need to remain vigilant. But we can feel assured of not becoming seriously ill.
Lewis Weiss, an auto-detailing shop owner, 55-year-old grandfather and YouTube-loving elected official in La Broquerie, Man. divided his community with his ’plandemic’ rhetoric
Vaxx Populi: There have been reports of blood clots in some recipients. But in the absence of evidence they were caused by the vaccine, some experts think this move is overly cautious.
In March of 2020, Canadians started dying of COVID-19 and the country shut down. This is a comprehensive report on the country’s mishandling of the crisis of the century.