Dear Ellen: Seal hunters are people tooAn Inuit woman and a Newfoundland artist speak up against the TV star’s anti-seal hunt stance
The Oscars where nobody could pronounce anythingA look back at a show that’s always boring, and yet still lures us in
Bieber beats up paparazzo?Paparazzo sheds every last bit of self-resepect and tells the world he was beaten up by teen heartthrob
NewsmakersAngelina Jolie offends her Bosnian sisters, Stieg Larsson’s missing book, and a new memorial for Terry Fox
What to do if your kid says, ‘I’m gay’Parents who believe homosexuality is biologically determined tend to cope better
NewsmakersA Botox backlash in Hollywood, Alanis Morissette on Alanis Morissette Day, and is Wyclef Jean shafting Haiti’s poor?
How news-savvy are you?Who’s known as the "devil’s spawn"? What do you know about "Fatgate"? Take our spring Newsmakers quiz.
Late-night is for frat boys onlyWomen are a big part of the audience, so why don’t hosts like Jay Leno hire any as writers?