Alberta votes against equalization in a province-wide referendumPolitics Insider for Oct. 20, 2021: A vote against equalization; new mayors in Calgary and Edmonton; Green Party cuts
The stubborn state of federalism in CanadaWhen federal and provincial governments clash, there’s usually at least a desire to make progress. Not this time.
In defence of equalizationStephen Maher: It is a dangerous mistake to view Canada as a piggybank into which some provinces make payments and others withdrawals
Why Jason Kenney’s proposed referendum is so puzzlingMax Fawcett: Holding a constitutional referendum to end equalization wouldn’t actually benefit Alberta. Here’s how equalization actually works.
What Alberta voters should know about Jason Kenney and the UCPJen Gerson: The frontrunner’s platform features a few solid ideas, but they’re overshadowed by cynical, ill-advised and improbable ones
The Saskatchewan Party’s history with the issue of equalization isn’t all that equalOpinion: Scott Moe isn’t going to win, either in Saskatchewan or with the feds, on equalization—and his own party’s history has already proven that
The Trudeau Liberals’ fast one on equalization: Not so fastPaul Wells: In the latest federal-provincial tangle over equalization, accusations are flying. Let’s check the Trudeau government fine print.
What happened to Jason Kenney?Stephen Maher on how the once serious Harper-era star became a provincial politician pitching an unserious referendum in Alberta
For Jason Kenney and Brian Jean, it’s Alberta versus the worldThe would-be leaders of Alberta’s new conservative party envision a province preoccupied with its own interests, powers and identity. Where could they have gotten an idea like that?