Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.



German Chancellor Angela Merkel looks on next to French President Emmanuel Macron during an EU summit in Brussels on July 20, 2020 (JOHN THYS/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

A continent divided by the pandemic

Ethan Lou: Back where I spent my childhood, the COVID-19 crisis has thrust an uncomfortable truth into the fore, that European solidarity is weakening
U.S. President Donald Trump adjusts his jacket after pushing past Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic

Donald Trump’s farewell tour

The world has taken measure of the president and found a person not to be taken seriously. It’s the end of the American century.
People hold placard during a protest in Heroesí square against a new law that would undermine Central European University in Budapest

Losing the struggle for Europe

From the rise of nationalist forces to Russian interference to Brexit, Europe is under attack and on the edge of disintegration