
How to ace multiple choice tests

Sure, studying is great. But when you can’t decide between “D” and “C,” here are seven tips to help land an “A.”


Brock’s solution to exam stress: puppies, naps & massages

Highlights from student union’s popular Wellness Week

Ryerson chemistry exam included answers

Students won’t be penalized for giving into “temptation”

5 people to avoid sitting beside during finals

Exam advice to help you procrastinate

The awkward truth about excuse notes

As more students ask for extensions, profs ask: is this real?

Legally Blonde, exam stress & Mexican Barbie

What students are talking about today (April 11th)

Santa’s exam season gift: resilience

Dr. Donna’s advice for stressed out students

Not ready for final exams? Read this.

Prof. Pettigrew’s five tips for avoiding failure

Is this the best exam question ever?

Prof. Pettigrew on the “write your own questions” final

Chinese students hooked up to IVs

Drips relax and energize students ahead of exams: school

McGill exams disrupted by fire alarm

Protesters not to blame: associate dean