Justin Trudeau claims to be a fiscal conservative. He’s not.The PM’s statements in praise of fiscal responsibility are dubious, considering his government’s first budget
How to spend $2 billion on research really quicklyWant your share of the Trudeau Liberals’ research windfall? Just make a few miracles.
Canada joins global anti-austerity clubNew Liberal government promotes the purse strings-loosening principles of its new federal budget
Trudeau proves the tax boutique is still open for businessThe Liberals scrapped many of the Tories’ boutique tax credits. So why did they pander with one of their own?
The case for nasty, dirty, evil deficitsPaul Wells explains why budget debate should not be about spending alone
Canada is adrift without a fiscal anchorHaving no fiscal anchor means that the government is without self-imposed restraints on its spending behaviour
The truth about slippery slopes, debt bombs and deficit hawksThe hand-wringing over the 2016 federal budget neglects the acknowledgement that ’living in the red can be smart sometimes’
Maclean’s on the Hill: The budget, deficits, and Rob FordAn audio briefing from the Maclean’s Ottawa bureau on a busy week in politics
How the Liberals could balance the budget—if they have the willWith the budget, the Liberals have taken a page out of the Conservative plan for program expenditures. But there are many reasons to think it won’t work.
What students should know about the federal budgetMoney coach Janet Gray on changes coming to the Canada Student Grant and student tax credits