First Person

An image of a hawk soaring over a foggy, forested landscape in Merritt, BC

Life in the Age of Drought

Our hometown of Merritt, B.C., has been dealing with water restrictions since April. Drought, wildfire and flooding keep us constantly on edge.

Big Idea: Protect Nurses in the Workplace

Nurses regularly face physical and emotional abuse on the job. An employment protection called presumptive care would give them the support they so desperately need.

We Came to Canada to Be a Family

As a gay couple in the Philippines, we’d forever have been glorified roommates. Here we have the future we want.

An International Student’s Dilemma

“People blame international students like me for the housing crisis. I’m thinking of leaving.”

Why I Chose Not to Have Kids

Jenna Ross wasn’t sure she wanted to become a parent. The climate crisis clinched her decision.

My Trans Awakening—at Age 66

I came out after a lifetime in the closet. Now, I’ve found a community of people just like me in Calgary’s Rainbow Elders.

The Case For Refugee Reception Centres

Asylum seekers are arriving in Canada in record numbers, sleeping in shelters, churches and sometimes on the street. Reception centres are a more humane approach. 

An 11-Year Family Separation

I moved to Canada to give my children a better life. It took four permanent residency applications before I saw them again.

The Accidental Immigrant

I got stuck in Alberta after COVID hit. It took me four years to see my family again.

Kingsley Madu

I Help Immigrants Build New Lives (and Credit)

My family and I were denied housing, car rentals and even hotel reservations, all because we didn’t have a credit card.

Why I Left Public Education

I spent 21 years in Hamilton schools. Drastic budget cuts and a rise in violence caused me to leave that world for good.

Give All Canadian Workers Paid Sick Leave

Canadians are working while ill to avoid losing income. Instituting country-wide sick-leave policies is a healthier option.