Canada’s place in the world is changing. How can it find its footing?Kerry Buck: The power dynamics of the world are shifting rapidly. If Canada doesn’t switch gears soon, it could get left behind
Did the Liberals just promise a better foreign policy?Adnan R. Khan: Canada’s foreign service is a mess. The Throne Speech suggests the Liberal government knows it.
It’s Joe Biden’s world now. Can he fix it?The departure of Trump means a departure from tyrant-flattery and the abuse of longstanding U.S. allies. Then the hard work begins.
Canada’s foreign policy agenda in 2021There will be a new goal in the coming year: getting ahead (and getting heard) in an unfriendly, chaotic world
The Trudeau government’s foreign policy is perfect—for the 1990sTerry Glavin: It turned out that the rest of the world wasn’t as keen on neo-liberal multilateralism as Team Trudeau had imagined
Justin Trudeau vs. the old boysPaul Wells: There is a notion, apparently widespread, in the political alumni club that on some key issues we don’t actually have a prime minister.
The Liberal government’s foreign policy cop outAdnan R. Khan: At a historically critical moment, when the world really does need more Canada, it’s nowhere to be found
The U.S. is sinking. Maybe it’s time for Canada to jump ship.Scott Gilmore: There is no question the American ship of state is leaking badly. The question we should be asking ourselves, as Canadians, is whether we should help bail or build our own raft.
The Munk debate that never wasShannon Gormley: In this nasty, empty campaign, how would a debate on foreign policy have gone? Safe to say, pretty badly.
One takeaway from the first debate: Canada’s foreign policy is an unholy messThe leaders’ responses on China, Israel and Canada’s role in NATO lurched from platitudinous to downright bizarre