The Fort McMurray fire: How big is it now?As Fort McMurray residents begin to return, a look at what the fire looks like now—and superimposed over other Canadian and international cities
When will residents of Fort McMurray be able to go home?What we know so far on when the people of Fort McMurray can return, and why it’s been delayed
Life after the fire for the students of Fort McMurrayWhat the last six weeks of the school year will be like for the approximately 900 students evacuated from Fort McMurray
It takes a village to safeguard an evacuated Fort McMurrayWe tally all of the firefighters, police officers, mental health workers, insurance adjusters and the rest of a small army of people in Fort McMurray
Atlantic Canada’s great big show of support for Fort McMurray’I think three-quarters of the East Coast at one time or another have been at Fort Mac. It’s like a second home, really’
Five things we learned from Notley’s meeting with oil sands execsWhat it will take to restart the oil sands, and what is next for the thousands of workers employed in the sector.
What they carried out from Fort McMurrayFort McMurray residents tell Maclean’s about the things they took with them when they fled—and the things they lost
Prescribed fires save money and lives. Why don’t we do more?Public safety campaigns, like Smokey Bear, spread the idea that all fires are dangerous. That type of thinking is making the problem of wildfires worse.
What will the Fort McMurray fires mean for wildlife?Where the wild things are: What happens to animals when they’re caught in a forest blaze