Fatima Syed: For those looking for a different kind of politics to emerge from these tough pandemic times, Paul was the unexpected hero we didn’t know we had
Cherie Wong and Jody Chan: While the Liberal government ignores the nuances in the Chinese community fabric, we have also been abandoned by the New Democratic Party and the Greens over petty partisanship
Under the right leadership, the party might have accomplished so much more in the last election. It has a chance to right itself, if it’s not already too late.
Pam Palmater: The Indian Act is used as a target to deflect blame for racist decisions made by the federal government; a clever guise to force the surrender of all First Nations’ rights
Youth voter turnout spiked in 2015. Was that an anomaly, or the start of a meaningful trend? If millennials go to the polls en masse, that could be good news for the Greens
Andray Domise: Bigoted or not, the dust-up between the NDP and the Greens is a mere symptom of a much larger problem facing leftist voters in this country