Politics Insider for Jan. 13: The debate over Quebec’s tax on the unvaxxed; the backlash over Ontario’s handling of school openings; and a former Supreme Court justice’s controversial role in Hong Kong
A letter quoting the PM’s own foreign minister calls on the government to take action against Chinese and Hong Kong officials over ’human rights atrocities’
Shannon Gormley: Countries such as Canada have waited for Beijing to come around, but the territories closest to the mainland, and thus in gravest danger from its overreaches, have run out of time
Cherie Wong and Jody Chan: While the Liberal government ignores the nuances in the Chinese community fabric, we have also been abandoned by the New Democratic Party and the Greens over petty partisanship
Terry Glavin: Politicians, academics and activists around the world say Beijing has undermined its claim to sovereignty over Hong Kong by breaching its 1997 agreement with Britain. Will the Trudeau government join them?
There is a proxy war happening in Vancouver over Hong Kong and activists say that not only are they being watched, but pro-Beijing provocateurs are trying to intimidate them
Shannon Gormley: By now we know the costs borne by Hong Kong protesters include hammer blows to the head, bullets to the shoulder and pepper spray to the face
Shannon Gormley: Hong Kong authorities withdrew an extradition bill that spurred protests by the millions. But just wait for real change in a couple of short decades.