Canadian designers imagine dressing the duchess of CambridgeWe asked designers across Canada how they would outfit Kate, duchess of Cambridge
Will Kate ever learn to avoid ’Marilyn Monroe’ moments?She’s been a royal for five years, yet the hair-and-hem mishaps keep coming
A princess’s busy 12 hours: Labour, birth, a brother’s visit, homeThe new royal baby may have taken a while to arrive, but she made an entrance
The new royal baby: More than a spare to the heirThe princess will share an unbreakable bond with brother George
Ready, set, bet: The thing to do during Great Kate Wait 2 Betting on the royal baby name is big business, and a welcome distraction. So we joined in.
Royal baby poll: Can you pick the name of the next Windsor?Alice may be a better bet than North, but really, anything could win
Newsmakers of the day: William and Kate in the Big Apple New York City is in adoration overdrive. And the royals just arrived.
9 things to know about the royal baby announcementWhen it comes to Windsor children, nothing is "ordinary"