

The meaning of Harper conservatism

Mark Shlodice argues for libertarianism as the defining motivation of Stephen Harper’s side.


The libertarian cavalry

The economists, statisticians, city planners, social groups and religious leaders have had (and continue to have) their say and so now the folks at the Western Standard have helpfully compiled census opinions from their libertarian orbit, including takes from PM Jaworski, Walter Block, JJ McCullough, Terrence Watson, Martin Masse, Hugh MacIntyre and Paul McKeever.


Reynolds rapped

Something about tax time seems to make libertarians go light-headed. Yesterday we had the Fraser Institute pining for the days when people had to spend over half their income on necessities; today in the Globe, business columnist Neil Reynolds looks back, full of wist, to a time when “governments discharged their responsibilities with only single digit resort to GDP.” And as if the economy of the 1920s doesn’t make you nostalgic enough, Reynolds reminds us of how much more sober-minded was the response of America’s elite to the great panic of – get this — 1819.