loyalty programs

What’s the best coffee loyalty card in Canada?

Comparing Tim Hortons, McDonald’s, Starbucks and other leading chains. Here’s who deserves your loyalty.

air canada buying aeroplan points

Air Canada buys Aeroplan: What does it mean for your points?

Air Canada has said Aeroplan miles will be transferable into its new loyalty program in 2020

What Canadian Tire’s loyalty changes mean to you

Can I still use my Canadian Tire money?

Seven ways to earn more PC Optimum points

10,000 points equals $10. Here’s how to maximize your points collection.

PC Optimum

How the PC Optimum program changes will affect your points

Those who redeem Shoppers Optimum points at small amounts get better value

Canada’s best student credit cards 2017

Free movies, big cash back rewards and more

What CIBC’s break up with PC Financial means for you

This is what will happen to your PC Points and other services with President’s Choice

Canadians are sitting on $16 billion in unredeemed loyalty points

Meanwhile, enrollment in these loyalty programs has grown by almost 25% over the last four years

What Air Canada dropping Aeroplan means for you

The fate of your miles and other changes to be aware of

Why so many people are angry at Air Miles right now

Air Miles may be Canada’s largest loyalty program, but it’s not inspiring much loyalty among its members.

Shoppers and Aeroplan face lawsuits for loyalty program changes

New rules leave some customers asking how valuable the programs really are


This Week’s Travel News: News you need to know

Watch What You Tweet: Hotels Are Watching You, Airport Security: Free Flow For Liquid Rules, and Canucks Just Wanna Earn Points