What was lost in Dr. King’s dreamDid Martin Luther King’s most famous speech overshadow his more political work and hijack his reputation?
Does the PMO think Justin Trudeau is already prime minister?Let us applaud this interest in documentation and disclosure
Newsmakers: September 1-8, 2011Bieber goes Hollywood, Big Buff goes off his diet, and Bibi’s wife faces new staff abuse allegations
Aretha Franklin on Martin Luther King, Barack Obama and Halle BerryFrom 2011, our conversation with the queen of soul before she put on a show at the Toronto Jazz Festival
Searching for fame with your pants on the groundHow American Idol has turned hollow celebrity into a worthwhile achievement
Liveblog: Michael Jackson memorialParis’s speech caps a heartbreaking tribute: "Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine."
Post-racial America?What will change for Americans now that their President has more melanin in his skin?