The NDP has a dream leader. One problem: She’s not running.Megan Leslie has ruled out a run to replace Tom Mulcair as NDP Leader. Who’s left?
The beasts head East: Atlantic Canada gets its election momentWith a whirlwind tour, Trudeau makes his last pitch. First stop: the Atlantic, where leaders are circling and strategic voting is in play.
Are we going to have a serious discussion about carbon pricing now?Stephen Harper gives a shout out to Alberta’s price on carbon
Full interview: Megan Leslie on the culture of Parliament HillIs it any better than it was a month ago?
Full interview: Megan Leslie on the culture of Parliament HillIs it any better than it was a month ago?
The sketch: Kids, this is how we met our new elections lawThe Fair Elections Act is now about protecting stay-at-home moms from undue red tape
The PM, Mike Duffy and the latest twist in our national reality TV showThe sketch: Stephen Harper hopes you will not be distracted by the wildly entertaining spectacle of Mike Duffy and Nigel Wright