Andrew Lloyd Webber: Broadway’s most hated & beloved figure is backCan ’School of Rock’ reverse two decades of flops for the man who used to rule musical theatre?
The delicate act of selling modern musicalsMarketing a musical to the current crop of moviegoers means being a bit evasive about what it is
Broadway musicals can’t bust a rhymePop-style lyrics invade that last bastion of proper rhyming: musical theatre
Lady Gaga: The musical(s)Three Gaga tributes are under way, though a Toronto show is first, and most ambitious
8 Broadway musicals that appeared in Canada first Starring Robert Goulet, Elizabeth Taylor and, well, Garth Drabinsky
Are theatre critics redundant? Musicals are breaking box-office records even as reviewers pour on the vitriol
Sondheim sings an ambiguous tuneAt 83, with more recognition than ever, the lyricist hints at a comeback
What’s next for opera houses? ‘Cats’?Musicals are making an appearance on opera stages: be careful what you pick.