Why understanding the biology of our minds could cure autism and schizophreniaNobel laureate Dr. Eric Kandel says brain imaging shows talk therapy can change brain biology—and even fight depression
This neuroscientist says your sense of free will is an illusionThe acclaimed author and neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky explains the deep biological roots of human behaviour, from racism to religion to romance
Your brain is flawed, irrational and paranoid. That’s why it works.The peculiarities that appear to make the human brain idiotic, says neuroscientist Dean Burnett, are part of what makes us function
Why we need to clear our cluttered mindsRecognizing the problem with multitasking, and how to cope with decision fatigue
Short novel packs in neuroscience, dwarves, tragedy and loveBook review: ’Andrew’s Brain’, by E.L. Doctorow
Inside a comatose mindNew research raises the unsettling possibility that some vegetative patients may actually be awake and aware
Brain surgeon, Hollywood inspiration — and the next Republican hopeRepublicans eye neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson
What students are talking about today (November 14th edition)Blue Jays trade, essays for sale & bashing Dragon’s Den