Taylor Swift vs. Apple: Who really won?The über-powerful pop star takes on Apple’s new streaming service—and while she won the battle, streaming seems to have won the war
Newsmaker: Apple’s Jony Ive moves up—and takes a step back?Newsmaker, May 26: Does the latest promotion for Apple design mastermind Jony Ive prove he’s eyeing the door?
Newsmaker of the Day: Marcia Visser, crusader against ’density creep’Newsmaker, May 25: A tone-deaf campaign against a four-storey Toronto condo tower takes Nimbyism to new heights
Newsmaker of the day: Elon Musk’s no-polish, all-persuasion pitchCan Elon Musk’s new product, the Powerwall, fundamentally disrupt the fossil fuel industry?
Newsmaker: Trending raccoon, 700 feet up Jaime Weinman on the latest sign that Toronto is under attack
J.K. Rowling continues to cast magicRowling’s latest—a slim transcription of a speech she gave at Harvard—reminds us of her own spellbinding post-Potter story
Cassandra Brown shoots out the lights—and the glass ceilingWhat comes next for the native of Vernon, B.C. who got a last-minute invite to participate in the 2015 NCAA three-point shootout—and beat all the men
Newsmaker of the day: John Furlong and his nightmare yearsThe former CEO and guiding force behind Vancouver’s 2010 Winter Olympics has cleared his name in court—but the fight’s not over yet.
Newsmaker of the day: Elton John, taking on Dolce & Gabbana Sir Elton’s boycott of D&G reveals a contingent we don’t hear much about: socially conservative gay people with shocking views
Today’s Newsmaker: Rachel ParentNewsmaker: The 15-year-old anti-GMO activist gets her meeting with top Health Canada officials