Opinion: By winning only seven seats, the Ontario Liberals failed to qualify for official party status—but there’s a case for Doug Ford lending them a hand
Opinion: Doug Ford may be the next premier of Ontario, but it’s unclear if Fordism is wedded to the backbone of traditional conservative governing philosophies
Opinion: ’One side supports clean water; the other side supports poison. The centrist’s solution is to meet in the middle. Everybody gets poisoned water.’
Opinion: Now that the Ontario PCs have earned a majority mandate, Ford is set to see through his vow to scrap a ’carbon tax’ that isn’t a tax—and potentially sue the feds
Opinion: The response to an explosive revelation late in the 2011 federal campaign suggests that the lawsuit against Doug Ford might not harm his chances
Opinion: America’s trade war with Canada could shift the Ontario election’s narrative from the PC leader’s weaknesses to his strength—economic competitiveness
Opinion: From Donald Trump to Doug Ford, a vote for a politician who deploys a harmful kind of right-wing populism isn’t just a civic duty that might have unforeseen consequences