Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance

Why we can’t afford bad teachers in first year

New research shows how much early instructors matter

Ontario students say jobs hurt academically

Policy paper challenges benefits of working while in school

What students are talking about today (Aug. 27 edition)

Lingerie football, Snooki, Neil Armstrong and tuition

Professor by Rainer Ebert on Flickr

Professor pay ranked from highest to lowest

What profs at 59 Canadian universities earned in 2010-11


Alberta will make student loans easier

Goodbye parental contribution

How parental income can kill your student loans

Parents are expected to pay. But what if they can’t or won’t?


Ontario profs worried about education quality

57% say quality has declined in the past year, according to survey


Pension relief for Ontario universities

Province amends solvency rules, but no additional funding provided


Stimulus U

Why increasing participation rates might not lead to economic growth


Let’s talk transparency and accountability

Does anyone know where a regular student can find a copy of the agenda for this weekend’s Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance General Meeting?