PKP and the Quebecor deal: Business or personal? Martin Patriquin on why the sale of the Sun Media papers meshes with Pierre Karl Péladeau’s political ambitions
What the Péladeau-Snyder split means for Quebec’s media landscapeIs this the end of a made-in-heaven synergy strategy?
Pierre Karl Péladeau: King of QuebecQuebecor’s restless titan: He controls the province’s media and its star system. Courted by politicians, he’s feared by journalists
CRTC set to rule on Sun News NetworkConservative news station wants mandatory spot in satellite and cable packages
’The CBC continues to ignore our daily newspapers’In letters obtained under access laws, Quebecor’s CEO scolds the CBC, even as he pleads for advertising dollars
Why the CBC should be more like HBOWhatever their motives might be, the CBC’s antagonists are, on the whole, right
You don’t have to hate the CBC to demand transparencyKeeping the public looped in on spending could be a guarantee of quality
Sun News Network: Hard News. Straight Talk. Short Skirts.Levant probably figured the door would burst open to reveal two censors and an angry sheik, but nothing