Donald Trump is the Magic 8-Ball presidentScott Gilmore: Now unconstrained by information, ideology or staff, Trump is unpredictable—and it will have two dangerous implications
The sexism of HalloweenScott Gilmore: Adults have made Halloween about sex and it shows we’re a collective mess of insecurities and clichéd gender roles
Lessons from Alberta’s disillusioned ToriesAppetite for a new Conservative party was modest at a Calgary dinner, where the bitter memory of vote-splitting is still a searing one.
Changing the future for Canada’s conservatives, one dinner at a timeColumnist Scott Gilmore is hosting events on modernizing—or maybe remaking—the Conservative Party
A movement of ’radical moderates’ takes shape in HalifaxScott Gilmore began his cross-Canada dinner tour on Monday, regretting a column that sparked the idea and dreading the evening. Then something surprising happened.
How are gay rights and climate action not conservative values?Scott Gilmore is launching a national tour to talk about a renewed conservative party. He may be coming to a city near you.
Confessions of a self-loathing ToryScott Gilmore: I hate my party. It’s time to build a new one that genuinely believes in liberty, equality and facts over ideology.
On Quebec and Andrew Potter: Tread carefully, CanadaIn many countries an unpopular idea can prove costly. But not in Canada, the champion of academic freedom and free speech.... right?
The Divided States of AmericaRed and Blue Americans have grown so dangerously far apart, they should be considered different ethnic groups
A refugee flood? Pull yourself together, CanadaWe can’t stop refugees from crossing the border. We can show courage by helping them and heading off a U.S.-style nativist backlash.