There’s an app for that medical issue. Should you use it?Health apps are hailed for revolutionizing medicine. Just one little problem: Some of them are wildly incorrect.
Why is everyone flipping for Google Chromecast?The device is cheap and easily connects the Internet to your TV screen
What students are talking about today (Sept. 21 edition)Most-liked video ever, Waterloo sex crime & Montreal pride
A dim view of movie textingHow to reduce distraction from texting during movies? There’s an app for that.
Revenge of the birdsAngry Birds, the world’s most popular smartphone video game, gets a festive update
Smartphone subterfugeTech watchers are wondering whether Canada’s Research in Motion is on its way to becoming an industry “dinosaur.”
Don’t give students more tools of mass distractionTexting, tweeting and surfing have nothing to do with learning and no place in the classroom
Don’t give students more tools of mass distractionHand-held device will soon become part of classrooms across the country
Let us now celebrate the losersWe owe a debt to failures, to those creative ideas that flamed out or gloriously flopped