What we can learn from Leonardo da Vinci’s passion for both art and scienceFor biographer Walter Isaacson, Leonardo’s breadth of interests would have led him embrace the Internet age
Glenn Gould offers lessons for Apple, and Ottawa, on innovationWhen it comes to innovation Glenn Gould wasn’t all that different from Steve Jobs, says a professor from Apple University who is lecturing in Toronto this week.
The two faces of the Syrian crisis: a toddler and a tech titanOf symbols, Syrians, and defining images: Anne Kingston explains how the iconography of a moment says more about the viewers than the subjects
A nuanced look at a kinder, gentler Steve JobsIn their new book, Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli explore how Jobs learned how to overcome his worst tendencies
Tim Cook: Apple’s tinkerer-in-chief Tim Cook is no Steve Jobs, and that’s why Apple is the world’s most valuable company
Steve Jobs: Genius, and lousy fatherChrisann Brennan says her new book is ’an opportunity to tell the truth about me and Steve’
Apple’s war on skeuomorphism In light of rival Microsoft’s new and ultra-modern OS, Apple may be forced to confront dated software design
What students are talking about today (Oct. 4 edition)Big Bird, full buses in B.C., hackers & Lena Dunham