
Instructor dismissed after student kills chicken

Alberta art college divided by controversial performance art

Ontario’s auditor general wrong on teaching

Prof. Pettigrew: student evaluations won’t help

A hated professor’s lesson in academic freedom

On the legacy of race researcher Philippe Rushton

Should professors speak out more?

Esteemed law professor Mary Eberts thinks so

Want lower tuition? Ask your profs about $97,000 pensions.

Runaway compensation is hurting students

Professor by Rainer Ebert on Flickr

What do professors make in Canada?

It may be more than you guessed. Click to see where your school stands.

Whatever happened to tenure?

The backbone of today’s university is the ill-paid, overworked lecturer

Small town universities and tenure

Another reason to prefer small universities is the access to full-time profs.

Whatever happened to tenure?

The backbone of today’s university is the ill-paid, overworked lecturer


My tenured life

My best argument for tenure? This awesome blog.


Carnage at UAlberta

At least 43 staff and faculty to be shown the door


UManitoba threatened with censure

CAUT alleges medicine prof fired without ‘just cause’