Why Toys "R" Us is filing for bankruptcy, explained by a nine-year-oldMaddy, Senior Toy Correspondent for Maclean’s, explains the five reasons why Toys "R" Us is filing for bankruptcy.
Why are children’s toys so boring?Fidget spinners are just the latest dull, mind-numbing toy—a trend caused by economic forces, with consequences for kids
The lessons for investors in the hype and fall of HatchimalsHatchimals were supposed to drive Spin Master’s share price to new heights. It didn’t quite work out that way.
Barbie vs. Bratz epic legal battle nearing an endMattel and MGA’s court room allegations sound more Cold War than toy store
Amped up in toylandThe next generation of stilts and pogo sticks, tweaked to the extreme, acquire a whole new cool factor
Netflix for toys: Parents reclaim the living roomNew startups are offering online rental services for the children market
A house made entirely of LegoBefore James May could climb his Lego stairs, take his Lego shower, pat his Lego cat and sleep in his Lego bed, there were a few obstacles
Thanks Santa, a Pet Rock!?Remember those? So 1975. Here with a list of other Christmas must-haves dating back to 1929.