New Brunswick lawyers approve Christian law schoolProvincial law societies divided over school that would prohibit homosexuality
The false debate over Trinity WesternDefending TWU’s accreditation has less to do with religious rights than annoyance at gays
The law, the Lord and one giant cross to bearWhat role would a Christian law school play in broader Canadian society?
Proposed law schools in Newfoundland and B.C. move forwardProfession grows despite concerns about too many lawyers
Mixed feelings as UBC cancels classes for Aboriginal eventUniversity wants participation in Truth and Reconciliation
Free speech and unequal prejudiceEmma Teitel on freedom of expression at two very different universities
Democracy at UWO, hazing at Dal. & a Christian law schoolWhat students are talking about today (January 17th)
Trinity Western wants to open its own law schoolPrivate university would have B.C.’s fourth law program