Conservative majority secured. Now the hard part.Andrew MacDougall: With Boris Johnson now holding the tiger firmly by the tail, there’s no one left to blame should the country take a mauling in the next stage of Brexit negotiations
Conservatives take Downing Street. Markets rally. May 8: Counting hasn’t finished, but the outcome is clear: a victory for the Tories and the SNP. Plus, it’s jobs day in North America.
Markets react to NDP win, as voting begins in the UKMay 7: Plus, Alibaba’s IPO hype continues to deflate, and the absent women of the venture capital world
A coalition worth getting behindDavid Cameron has been forced to earn the confidence of the House, not just assume it
A slow-burn bonfire of libertiesMARK STEYN: Here’s what you get when the state hauls nobodies off to jail for quoting the Bible
This fixed-term election law is built to lastCOYNE: To unlock Britain’s election law, you need two keys
That UK election, in full: a guide for the perplexedANDREW COYNE’s quick guide to the leaders, the bargaining positions, and the stakes