Why is Saudi Arabia still getting Canadian-made weapons?Stephen Maher: Politicians have failed to act, even in the face of the sickening slaughter in Yemen. The killing of Khashoggi might change that.
Canada’s checkered history of arms sales to human rights violatorsOpinion: If previous debates on arms sales are anything to go by, Canada has become less vigilant on human rights
Canada’s abysmal record as an arms dealerThis country’s weapons sales to Saudi Arabia are scandalous, and recent deals with the Kurds are likely to end in disaster too
Cyprus cozies up to RussiaCypriot officials let a Russian ship loaded with ammunition sail on to Syria
Turning swords into ploughsharesThe police chief of Bihar in northern India has spearheaded an initiative to melt down more than 60,000 guns seized from criminals
Arms and the manVictor Bout’s native Russia is heaping scorn on his Nov. 3 conviction on four charges of trying to sell weapons to Colombia’s FARC rebels
U.S. successfully tests new explosive materialResearchers expect five-fold increase in the strength of weapons
Canada is world’s 12th biggest arms dealerMajority of exports go to NATO allies, but less friendly countries also made purchases