
Dear Michael Moore: Leave Canada alone

The provocateur is still doing what he does best: weighing in on his nation’s big backyard

Remember when Michael Moore was cool? That’s right: So was Coldplay. And the Leafs still made the playoffs. Oh how times have changed.

Not Moore though…

In perfect American fashion—the kind of cocky, stick your nose in everyone else’s business and weigh in on cultures and subjects you don’t know or understand kind of fashion—(hey isn’t that the kind of thing Moore hates so much?) the lefty provocateur/Twinkie connoisseur is still doing what he does best: weighing in on his nation’s big backyard: Canada, a country in which, apparently, we never lock our doors…

However, something tells me people in Montreal are probably locking their doors these days, what with the violent protest/smoke bomb trend enveloping their city. Of course Moore has something to say about that as well: “Canadians are in revolt in Quebec over new gov’t law limiting democratic rights,” he tweeted over the weekend. “Their uprising is inspiring”. So is compromise: unfortunately, a doubtful outcome when uninformed celebrities egg on violent jerks as well as peaceful protesters.

Soon he’ll tell us all (again) to “bring out our inner hockey stick”. Or offer jobs to our young dissenters. Or commend us on our gentle nature: “Canadian people have a good heart and are a peaceful people.”

Thank you for the compliments Mr. Moore. Now please go back to America and lock your door.