The Chief of Defence Staff attempts to split the difference.

The affidavit of Col. Steve Noonan is here. The relevant portion would seem to be paragraph 56. There was one incident in which the CF took custody of detainee who had been turned over to the local ANP by the CF. In this case, the CF learned that the detainee had been beaten by the local ANP. When they learned of this, they approached the local ANP and requested that the detainee be given to them. The ANP complied and the CF subsequently transferred the detainee to the Provincial ANP.

The field notes of a soldier reporting the incident, as discovered by the Globe, apparently read as follows. Local ANP elements were in possession of a PUC detained by CDA troops and subsequently transferred to ANP custody.

The incident is also referenced during the cross-examination of General Joseph Deschamps during Federal Court proceedings.