
Harper roadshow: That sound you just heard...

… while Stephen Harper was entering his 18th minute of detailing the many, many economic interventions of his “Conservative” government was the head of 1997 Stephen Harper exploding. Thank God for the integrity of the spacetime continuum or someone would have a hell of a mess to clean up.

Hang on — he’s still talking. Cover your ears, 2002 Stephen Harper!  “…supported big infrastructure…. supported homeowners…. supported our loggers…expanded slaughterhouse capacity… upgraded harbours… I haven’t even talked about our efforts to expand the portability of credit…” BOOM!

UPDATE: “The virus is spreading!” Well, even for the Prime Minister, that seems like a rather harsh way of describing the Liberal party’s rise in the polls and… oh, they’re talking about swine flu now. Both cable networks have cut away from the PM’s infomercial polemercial about how the opposition parties will surely doom us all to cover a World Health Organization briefing about how H1N1 will probably beat them to it. I wonder if Harper knows he’s not on TV anymore: There are only a finite number of smiles in that face, and he wouldn’t want to waste one.