Jesse Brown

Jesse Brown


My last post

Jesse Brown on his most popular posts
Rob Ford

Is Rob Ford a victim of citizen journalism gone wrong?

Jesse Brown on the promise and pitfalls of modern storytelling
Game of Thrones

How unbundled cable could save Canadian television

Jesse Brown on the Conservative government’s "pick and pay" pledge
Missing image

#Rogersoutage: another reason for more competition

Jesse Brown on the country-wide cell phone outage
Edward Snowden

If Canada is spying on Brazil, who else is under surveillance?

Jesse Brown on CSEC violations and what we know so far
Blue bird illustration

What will Twitter’s IPO mean for users?

Jesse Brown on what going public will mean for the social network’s direction
Jerry Brown, the Democratic candidate for governor of California, delivers his victory speech during an election night rally at the Fox Theater in Oakland, Calif.

Magical Internet eraser now legally required in California

A silly bill to protect young people on social media
Gmail logo

Is Gmail illegal?

Jesse Brown on a ruling that could put Google in the crosshairs of anti-wiretapping laws