Murad Hemmadi

Murad Hemmadi

Mexico's Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer attend a news conference on the NAFTA negotiations in Ottawa on Sept. 27, 2017
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When it comes to NAFTA, deadlines are meaningless

Since the renegotiation began, red circles on the calendar have repeatedly come and gone. The reality: ’It will take as long as it takes.’
An image of President-elect Donald Trump appears on a television screen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Nov. 9, 2016

Trump says markets will crash if he’s impeached. Don’t count on it.

Neither history nor recent market reactions fully support the president’s claims
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Mr. Scheer goes to India, for some reason

Murad Hemmadi: The opposition leader is following the Prime Minister to South Asia, but it doesn’t seem like there’s much for him to do there. Get ready for more photo ops, only this time in a suit
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What fights about ’erasing’ history are really about

Canada’s debate about whom and what we remember requires shared sets of facts, ideas and stories—a canon on which we can all rely. It’s time for us to rethink that canon, writes Murad Hemmadi.

Alphonso Davies on life as Canada’s next great soccer star

A big-money move from the Vancouver Whitecaps to Germany’s storied Bayern Munich is just the latest move in the young football player’s incredible journey
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Bruce Heyman is Canada’s grand champion—for better or worse

The former U.S. ambassador to Canada has left his gig north of the border, but he remains a freelance advocate for the Canada-U.S. bond
Ottawa Stock images
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MPs spend too much time on constituents’ problems—and they like it just fine

The Ottawa grind makes MPs feel ’hemmed in and scripted.’ They much prefer all the paperwork of constituency casework, says a new report
Ezra Levant speaks at a Rebel Media event. (Photograph by Chris Bolin)

The Rebel Media-branded retirement savings fund is not happening

The Rebel Freedom Fund never launched, and the asset management firm that created it is now winding down its funds and closing
Jim Carr, Justin Trudeau
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In the age of Trump, Canada triples down on the trade file

Canada now has three cabinet ministers working on the trade file. But history suggests escaping the U.S. economic orbit won’t be easy.

Who could possibly buy the Trans Mountain pipeline — and how soon?

Suitors would have to be big enough, and that leaves a scant few Canadian possibilities.