Rachel Mendleson

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Just plug it in—if you can

The new outlets required by law are so safe even adults have a hard time using them
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A leader they can believe in

A remarkable robot fish guides fish schools away from danger to safety
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’I would like the firing squad please. There are no mistakes.’

A condemned man chose death by bullets rather than lethal injection—and he’s not alone
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1970-2010 | David John DeGroot

A popular phys. ed. teacher and principal, he just couldn’t sit still. But with four kids, he had recently decided to take the next school year off.
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Where 88 equals 499

A Russian television report has revealed, a recent Duma vote, in which new drunk-driving legislation passed 449 to zero
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Heel, Fido. It’s for your own good.

Why docile, obedient dog breeds live longer than their more rambunctious counterparts
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Feeling the bite of a cannibal joke

The Maori did not take kindly to Key’s attempt at humour
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What’s best for troubled teens?

Increasingly, Canadian youth are put in U.S. residential programs
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NATO and the spy from Estonia

The damage done by Simm is now said to be considerable
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Scott Jefrey Pineo 1986-2010

Just out of diapers when he caught his first fish, he lived for ’the thrill of a tug at the end of your line’