ArtsGallery: Sewer artMichael Cook photographs the beauty found in long-closed tunnels deep below the ground
LifeScott Gordon PattersonA father of five girls, his daughters were ‘kind of his boys, too.’ On the farm, he had no trouble finding work for idle hands.
CultureCartography in the digital ageIn the era of GPS, the old-fashioned art of map making asks some bigger questions
WorldTunnels packed with drugs discovered in Venezuela prison sweepA country where jails are criminal enterprises
BusinessChina’s Apple cloneXiaomi is criticized for copying the iPhone maker, but it’s now beating Apple where it matters most
GeneralOrder of Canada winner lied about Ph.DWhy no one spotted a top science adviser who ‘misrepresented’ his credentials for 40 years
SocietyJames Hilliard FavelHe left home at 15 to work on farms and in bush camps. In old age, he longed to return to the place he was born.
BusinessLiving off the landHundreds of thousands of resource jobs will be up for grabs. The challenge: finding willing and able workers
BusinessUse your sock drawer for actual socks: Smartphone resale market boomsApple’s new trade-in program part of a growing resale trend