
A Bibliopod Short Cut: Eat Pray Love author Elizabeth Gilbert

Listen to a special Biblipod Short Cut: An interview with the author of Big Magic


This week, in addition to the usual episode of the Maclean’s books podcast: Here’s an interview with Elizabeth Gilbert on her new book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear.

Elizabeth Gilbert joins Anne Kingston for a special edition of the Bibliopod in which they discuss the mysterious nature of ideas and creativity, why perfectionism is just haute couture fear, the current Etsy moment where anyone can be an artist, and some of the “creativity hacks” Gilbert suggests in her new book, Big Magic.

You can listen to the podcast on Soundcloud below, or subscribe free on iTunesStitcher and Beyondpod! If you like this, check out our other audio offerings, from our columnists reading their work to two other weekly podcasts on politics and culture.