

Gambling on an M.D.

In 2013, most would-be doctors came from just six undergrad schools, even though they were the tougher, more competitive ones
Trinity Western University

New Brunswick lawyers approve Christian law school

Provincial law societies divided over school that would prohibit homosexuality
First-year medical students problem solve at the Bannatyne Campus

’Medical school rejection violated my Charter rights’

Woman sued University of Manitoba, province after failing to gain admission

When Ph.D.s realize they won’t be professors

Young academics struggle with the transition from school to work
McGill University (Roger LeMoyne for Maclean’s)

Changes to McGill faculty of medicine admissions pay off

Quebec’s francophone universities should take a page from the controversial changes

Anger as U of T drops Bachelor of Education

Students say decision will hurt access and lead to credential inflation
Emma Teitel

The false debate over Trinity Western

Defending TWU’s accreditation has less to do with religious rights than annoyance at gays
SEPTEMBER 15 – 2009 – Campus life at the University of Toronto. Law Faculty.

U of T Law School Access Program may spread

Low-income students who got free test prep are gaining admission

Medical prof values technology in teaching

Dr. Jonathan White, 3M National Teaching Fellow, on his changing role

How an Alberta professor’s lecture series went viral

Cancer surgeon’s podcasts use everything from muppets to Lego