
A person sitting at a computer with their arms being controlled by a robot

ChatGPT is everywhere. What’s fair use for students trying to get into university?

“It’s not about ‘how do we catch the cheaters?’ That’s not a forward way of thinking.” 
Two smiling students in front of a colourful background

How to win a big scholarship

A strong vision, hard work and plenty of smarts are needed to impress scholarship juries. Here’s the inside story on how these students beat the odds.
Molly Miller at home with her parents in Fredericton, NB, on February 12, 2024. (Photograph by Chris Donovan)

How to pay for university: a comprehensive guide

The cost of a university education keeps going up. Between loans, grants and RESPs, here’s how families can make it work. 
A pair of hands holding a mug of coffee

My budget as a university student in Canada

Being a student can be expensive. Three undergrads share where the money goes. 
A lineup of graduates in blue robes and caps, with orange sashes

The Ultimate Guide to Canadian Universities 2024

Getting into top programs is increasingly competitive. Our Ultimate Guide to Canadian Universities is here to help.

How York University is fostering future changemakers

Its interconnected Toronto-area campuses deliver experiential education and exciting opportunities for personal growth.

Introducing the 2022 3M National Teaching Fellowship Award Winners

Celebrating some of the country’s best university and college teachers
(Courtesy of UPEI)

University of Prince Edward Island: Student life on campus

An insider’s guide to the best place to live, campus food and more
(Courtesy of Université Sainte-Anne)

Université Sainte-Anne: Student life on campus

An insider’s guide to the best place to live, campus food and more
(Courtesy of threesixfive/Saint Mary's University)

Saint Mary’s University: Student life on campus

An insider’s guide to the best place to live, campus food and more